Jersey Shore Presbyterian Church
Prayer Chains – Sandy passes along prayer requests that are emailed or phoned to her. She sends these out by email and also calls the heads of two other prayer phone chains.
Prayer List in Bulletin – Persons are listed for prayer in the bulletin when their names are called in to the church office,
Congregational Prayer Project – Every 6-8 months we pass out slips in the worship service that each have a name of one of the families in the church. Everyone is encouraged to take a slip and pray for that family each day for the following six months. We have seen God do some wonderful things among us as we have prayed for one another.
Prayer Support Board – We are just starting a project which will have a list of all the ministries and groups in the church and some outside the church, and will encourage interested people to commit to praying for a particular ministry or group every day for six months.
The Board of Deacons consists of twelve Deacons. They are elected by the congregation for a three year term in three equal and staggered classes. Those who serve in this capacity are also called of God through their election, are ordained and installed as Deacons. They meet the second Monday night of each month at 7:00pm, except during the summer.
The Book of Order (G-6.0402) defines the duty of deacons by saying: “It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the Session.”
The Deacons also have their own committees, including: Flowers, Calendar, Memorial Lunches & Event Planning, Purchasing, and Fellowship.
Session is the ruling board for the Jersey Shore Presbyterian Church, consisting of 9 elders plus the pastor. Session meets every second Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 PM for July and August. The first 10 minutes of each session meeting is reserved for congregational feedback from anyone who wishes to come ask a question or make a suggestion. Each elder on Session also oversees or participates in one or more Session Committees, wich include the following (See other ministries for more details):
Clerk of Session: Jane Fink
Worship & long-range planning – Plan special worship services for the year and oversee all things related to worship (Chairpersons: Sandy Vought, William Henry)
Christian Education – plan and oversee all aspects of Christian Education, Sunday School, Bible Studies, and Youth & Children’s ministries (Chairpersons: Jane Fink)
Evangelism & Missions – plan and oversee all aspects of evangelism, church growth, bridge events, publicity, visitor welcome & follow-up, new members, local & global missions, and net-working (Chairperson: Sandy Vought, William Henry)
Service – plan & oversee all maintenance/improvements to the church property; Men’s Service Group does work for the church & members (Chairpersons: Dan Edelstein, William Henry)
Commitment & Fund-raising – oversee and support our treasurers, financial secretaries, fundraising, and all church finances (Chairpersons: Sandy Vought, Christina Cooney)
Personnel – oversee and support our paid staff (Chairpersons: Sandy Vought, Jane Fink)
Nominating & Spiritual Gifts – research peoples’ interests/gifts and nominate people to be elected by the congregation as elders & deacons (Chairperson: Sandy Vought)
Classes of Elders
Tuesday-Friday – 1:30-5:00 PM
Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 AM
Men’s Group, 1st and 3rd Tuesday – 7:00 PM
Session, 2nd Tuesday – 7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal, Wednesdays – 7:00-8:00 PM
Prayer Meeting, Wednesdays – 8:15-8:45 PM